Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"The Face" Take Two

Since December is just a stone's throw away, and since the "white-ness" of winter will soon be overtaking us; I wanted to share this picture. It may possibly be the last rainbow of the year, and it just so happens to be placed right over my favorite peak.  I think I may have to periodically look at this picture to remind myself that winter doesn't last all year.  

 Happy "hump" day everyone!



  1. Dear Holly,

    This picture (and mountain)...just incredible! We, too, are "batting down the hatches" for the cold winter fact, it is snowing as I type this! I have the wood stove going full throttle...and am baking's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Dear Laura,

    I smile everytime I see "her". It's truly a blessing to have something that creates such happiness just by looking at it! It's raining where we are; I think I'd rather have it snow!
